Our country and our planet are entitled to see the world produced by an America at peace with herself and the rest of the world. – Gaylon Kent
Gaylon is the Colorado Libertarian Party’s nominee for the US House from the 2nd District. He was their nominee for the United States Senate in 2014 and their nominee for Congress (3rd District) in 2016 and 2018.
Carly Constitution hosts this edition of On The Issues. Today she talks about America’s perpetual wars.
Perpetual war will destroy America.
What does it mean to be the peace candidate? Glad you asked…
Click here for the Gaylon TV page.

Friends, if you believe perpetual war is sustainable and will lead to prosperity, then go, scoot, don’t waste your time here. Vote for some other candidate, a Republican or a Democrat, and it doesn’t matter which one, either, because neither will change a thing.
If, however, you believe that perpetual war will destroy this country, then welcome aboard. As usual, I am the only peace candidate around, and I deserve your support.
America has been at war every day since 1989 and most days since Pearl Harbor and the results have been catastrophic: a violent world and violent American citizens. Not only that, Congress has not declared war since World War II, despite the Constitution reserving that privilege exclusively for them.
The truth is the only dividend war provides is more war; no nation has survived perpetual war, and America will not be the first. If we don’t do something, our country will collapse, perhaps before this half-century is out.
I don’t want this any more than you do. I want an America that is at peace and has a healthy long-term future, a country that works for anyone willing to put some effort into their life.
I also want an America that gives other nations the dignity of conducting their affairs without the benefit of US interference.
Friends, we’re not going to get those by accepting the status quo, we are only going to get them by you and me – we the people – taking charge on Election Day.
We are the only change on the ballot.
Thank you for reading,

The Drug War
The Drug War has failed in every respect. Decriminalizing drugs would end the violence associated with them.
The Trump Phenomenon
Donald Trump is a lying sexual predator who believes the moon is part of Mars. There was a time when both the media and the electorate would have dismissed him. That time has passed. Our loss.
The moral aspects of this issue are your lookout and no one else’s. The government must butt out of the abortion debate.
The Flat Tax
We really shouldn’t have to pay any income tax at all, but until we can reasonably support that, we are entitled to a flat tax of no more than 5% on incomes over $50,000.
The Minimum Wage
The government must not mandate wages. Besides, if you’re out of high school and the minimum wage is still a factor in your life, you should reevaluate your job skills.
Our Violent Entertainment
To think that violent movies, TV shows, and video games do not play a part in our violent country is folly.
The Death Penalty
This nation has executed innocent people. This is reason enough to abolish the death penalty.
Health Care
Doctors and health insurers must be returned to the free market. They must be financially answerable to their patients and customers.
Term Limits
Term limits are wrong. The best form of term limits are concerned citizens voting on Election Day.
Those in the country illegally are not entitled to citizenship. However, we couldn’t keep them out and we can’t send them back, so let’s make the legal and let them do the work they came here to do.
Our Mass Shootings
We have violent citizens because, in part, we have a violent government. A peaceful America would lead to a peaceful world and a peaceful country.

Gaylon is a veteran of the United States Navy and served on an old diesel submarine. He is a two-time graduate of the Harry Wendelstedt School for Umpires and is a retired high school sports official. He is originally from Los Angeles and has lived in Colorado since 2011. Gaylon served multiple terms as commander of American Legion Post 44 and District 14 and is commander of Sons of the American Legion Squadron 89 in Hayden.