America Must Butt Out Of The Middle East
On July 30, Israel assassinated a Hamas leader in Iran.
This should not affect the United States at all, but it will, of course, because the US has been meddling in the Middle East for decades.
This is wrong. The US must butt out of the Israel/Hamas war and every other conflict we are currently involved in. We must give other nations the dignity of conducting their affairs without the benefit of US interference. We must only fight wars that have been declared by Congress.
We don’t do any of these things, of course; America has been at war every day since 1988, most days since Pearl Harbor in 1941, and for 203 of the 249 years since the American Revolution. Eventually, it will cost us because no nation has survived perpetual war and America will not be the first.
We deserve better than this. We deserve an America at peace and the planet deserves to see the world produced by an America at peace with themselves and the rest of the world.
Friends, I am the only peace candidate on this ballot, and you and me – we the people – are the only change on this ballot. An America at peace begins with you, it begins with me, and it begins on Election Day. We can tolerate the status quo or we can demand better. It’s our country, and it’s our call.
Thank you for reading,